It's miserably cold outside, and I don't know about you, but I could use something uplifting. February is the cruelest month, or so they say, and I have just the thing.
First up, my Emergency Sunshine Spotify Playlist. It's everything you need to brighten up the gloomiest days.
Additionally, in case you need something stat, here's a selection of songs to warm you up.
First up, a song I like to lift weight to, dance to, and never fails to make me feel like I'm ready to take on the world.
Next up is a cover of a song by Corinne Bailey-Ray. I have both on my playlist, this one just has me extra happy right now.
This next song just sounds like a Saturday morning as a kid. It gives me the lazy, lay in bed and then get up, eat cereal and run in the yard kinda feelings. Truthfully, most of Jack Johnson's music evokes a variation on this theme, but this song especially.
This has more of a sunny afternoon vibe.
There's a reason the playlist is called Emergency Sunshine, and this song has a lot to do with it. It never fails to make me smile.
This last one makes my little great niece get up and dance, so you know it's gotta be good.
All these and more are on the spotify playlist, so give it a listen and I hope wherever you are warms up soon.